Thursday, December 18, 2008
Skinwalker Attack
by Chei Ray
One rainy night in the middle of May, 2003, my friends and I were hanging out at around 9:00 p.m. We are the Navajo Tribe people, getting water for the livestock in Sun Rise Arizona. We were having a good time. Tony was driving; I was on the passenger seat. John and Cody were sitting in the back seat. We were telling jokes and cracking up. We got to the windmill. We started the water and waited for it to fill the barrel. We were walking around looking at the local cows. Then the water started to over flow. John ran to pull out the hose. (John is a professional sheepherder.) Then we all got back in to the truck. This time I was going to drive.
I got in and the truck would not start. I tried and tried to start the truck, I even looked under the hood to check if any thing was out of place. Nothing was. I went back into the truck. Tony wanted to go and mess around with the cows, and so did John and Cody. While they were out there, I was trying to figure out what was wrong with the truck.
Suddenly, a sound so loud that I jumped up. I thought it was just the guys throwing rocks to scare the cows. So I kept on work and looking for the problem. Then I heard the sound again. I got out of the truck and yelled for the guys to stop doing that. They started to come back. When they got back to the truck, I asked them if they threw rocks at the windmill. They all said "no." I kind of got the chills. Then we went back to where the cows were. Tony stayed with me.
Then we heard the sound again, this time it was a harder hit. Tony yelled to them and told them to stop that. They didn't answer. Usually, they would tell him, "Zhoo' yea' " (a "calm down " joke in Navajo language). He called them once more, but no one yelled back. We got worried. We started walking out into the dark looking for them. We called out their names. But no one answered. We had no flashlights. The only light we had was the moonlight, which kept coming in and out of the clouds. We could barely see where we were going.
After about 10 minutes, we finally found them. They were on the ground, almost shivering, and their eyes wide open, Tony and I thought about the worst that could happen. We have heard stories about these "skinwalkers" (or Yana glooshi). We have experienced encounters before, but not like this, or at least not with us out here in the open. We knew what we had to do, but we didn't know if there was only one or few more. Then we heard some scrambling noise in the bushes near by. Tony and I got scared. Then we heard it again, but on our right then our left, then in front of us, then behind us. This all happened in about three seconds.
We got the chills that raced up our back. I knew Tony always had some Navajo mountain tobacco or blessing cedar to protect us from the skinwalkers, but he didn't have either of them. So Tony and I made a run back to the truck with the half dead bodies of Cody and John. We heard the footsteps of something running after us. We made it back to the truck and we all got back in, then it went silent. Then the witchcraft that the skinwalkers put on Cody and John wore off.
All of a sudden, some sickly looking coyotes jumped on to the hood of the truck. There were three creatures that had the body of a coyote, but a little more human-like features. They could walk on their four legs or just their two back legs. They had eyes that were crystal, blood, and red. They had the smell of dead animals. The smell was so unbearable. We all fell back into our seat and started to scream like little girls. They started to sing or chant. We knew they were speaking in Navajo, but we were so terrified that we couldn't tell what they were saying.
Then some tall, longhaired, furry, black, creature with crystal-like eyes was just outside Tony's window, breathing heavily with the ugliest face we've ever seen. Tony looked at it and jumped back so fast and powerful, that he almost knocked out Cody. The creature blew something like powder through the window and onto us. We all stared to slow our breathing and calm down. After seconds it was quiet. We started to knock out one by one.
Next thing you know, we woke up the next day face down, ass up, in Tony's bedroom. We never found out what happen to the skinwalkers. We had a series of ceremonies that was to protect us from the sickness that the skinwalkers placed on us. The medicine man told us that the people who did this to us were after us because of jealousy. They were jealous of us because of all the things we have and all the accomplishments we've done. So, we had their power turned around to backfire on them and it was suppose to get them back with the witchcraft that they laced on us.
After we had the ceremonies, Tony went back to his house and his mom said that night we just walked through the door about 1:30 a.m., got a glass of water and went into my room. She also said we were so quite she thought we were sleeping. Up to today, we still hang out with each other. We still get water and take care of the livestock. We will never forget happened that night, but we always say, "Zhoo' Yea'".
What Is A Skinwalker
In some Native American legends, a skin-walker is a person with the supernatural ability to turn into any animal he or she desires. Similar lore can be found in cultures throughout the world and is often referred to as shapeshifting by anthropologists.
Navajo skinwalker: the Yenaldlooshii
Possibly the best documented skinwalker beliefs are those relating to the Navajo Yeenaaldlooshii (literally "with it, he goes on all fours" in the Navajo language). A Yeenaaldlooshii is one of several varieties of Navajo witch (specifically an ’ánt’įįhnii or practitioner of the Witchery Way, as opposed to a user of curse-objects (’adagąsh) or a practitioner of Frenzy Way (’azhįtee)). Technically, the term refers to an ’ánt’įįhnii who is using his (rarely her) powers to travel in animal form. In some versions men or women who have attained the highest level of priesthood then commit the act of killing an immediate member of their family, and then have thus gained the evil powers that are associated with skinwalkers.
The ’ánt’įįhnii are human beings who have gained supernatural power by breaking a cultural taboo. Specifically, a person is said to gain the power to become a Yeenaaldlooshii upon initiation into the Witchery Way. Both men and women can become ’ánt’įįhnii and therefore possibly skinwalkers, but men are far more numerous. It is generally thought that only childless women can become witches.
Although it is most frequently seen as a coyote, wolf, owl, fox, or crow, the Yeenaaldlooshii is said to have the power to assume the form of any animal they choose, depending on what kind of abilities they need. Witches use the form for expedient travel, especially to the Navajo equivalent of the 'Black Mass', a perverted song (and the central rite of the Witchery Way) used to curse instead of to heal. They also may transform to escape from pursuers.
Some Navajo also believe that skinwalkers have the ability to steal the "skin" or body of a person. The Navajo believe that if you lock eyes with a skinwalker they can absorb themselves into your body. It is also said that skinwalkers avoid the light and that their eyes glow like an animal's when in human form and when in animal form their eyes do not glow as an animal's would.
A skinwalker is usually described as naked, except for a coyote skin, or wolf skin. Some Navajos describe them as a mutated version of the animal in question. The skin may just be a mask, like those which are the only garment worn in the witches' sing.
Because animal skins are used primarily by skinwalkers, the pelt of animals such as bears, coyotes, wolves, and cougars are strictly tabooed. Sheepskin and buckskin are probably two of the few hides used by Navajos; the latter is used only for ceremonial purposes.
Often, Navajos will tell of their encounter with a skinwalker, though there is a lot of hesitancy to reveal the story to non-Navajos, or (understandably) to talk of such frightening things at night. Sometimes the skinwalker will try to break into the house and attack the people inside, and will often bang on the walls of the house, knock on the windows, and climb onto the roofs. Sometimes, a strange, animal-like figure is seen standing outside the window, peering in. Other times, a skinwalker may attack a vehicle and cause a car accident. The skinwalkers are described as being fast, agile, and impossible to catch. Though some attempts have been made to shoot or kill one, they are not usually successful. Sometimes a skinwalker will be tracked down, only to lead to the house of someone known to the tracker. As in European werewolf lore, sometimes a wounded skinwalker will escape, only to have someone turn up later with a similar wound which reveals them to be the witch. It is said that if a Navajo was to know the person behind the skinwalker they had to pronounce the full name, and about three days later that person would either get sick or die for the wrong that they have committed.[1]
According to Navajo legend, skinwalkers can have the power to read human thoughts. They also possess the ability to make any human or animal noise they choose. A skinwalker may use the voice of a relative or the cry of an infant to lure victims out of the safety of their homes.
The legend of the skinwalkers tells of God giving the people a gift of transformation that was used only against their enemies. Over time, the people began to abuse this power, thus bringing God to earth to reclaim it. Some gave the power up and others hid with it and passed the knowledge to others.
Some tribes believe that skinwalkers can use the spit, hair, or shoes and old clothing of a person to make curses that will attack that specific person. For this reason many Navajo will never spit or leave shoes outside. They also take great care to see that any hair or nail clippings are burned. Children are advised that if they urinate outside to kick dirt over the spot so that a skinwalker cannot use it to make a curse against them.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Arizona Skinwalker by Lance
Then my dad pulled over for her and she was still walking, so my dad shouted in Navajo and English, "Hey, do you need a ride?" As soon as my dad yelled, she turned around slowly to look at us and her long hair was covering her face. You couldn't even see what her face looked like; her hair covered her whole head like a mop head. She slowly started walking toward us, stepping on rocks and branches and snow. She walked up to the truck on the passenger side where I was sitting and just stood by the window for like 15 seconds just looking at me. My dad said open the door, jump in the back. As soon as I opened the door, she just took off running away into the dark forest.
My dad and I were stunned because it was freezing out there and there wasn't civilization for miles. So I just closed the door and my dad closed the door. We just took off and thought "what the hell is her problem" because she looked like a regular person.
A couple weeks later, my dad was visiting some of his friends who lived within five miles of the area and my dad just mentioned what happened to them and their faces just looked stunned and they said, "Was her hair covering her whole head and had no shoes?" My dad said, "Yeah" Then they said, "It wasn't a real lady. She's a ghost."
My dad and I were like, what? She looked like a real person. My dad's friends weren't surprised because the Navajos are used to hearing weird stories like that.
Hope everyone enjoys the Skinwalker Blog and that you will check back often for more.
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Skinwalker on I-40 , by Kerri
We were traveling on I-40 west of Albuquerque, N.M. There are several different Indian Reservations there. It was late at night and Anthony was driving. He needed to go to the bathroom. So he exited at the bottom of Nine Mile Hill, just west of Albuquerque. He drove behind the gas station because it was closed and there were a few semis parked in front. I told him not to stop there because I saw someone by the trash dumpster. He pulled up a little further and we looked back. There was no one there. I figured that I was tired and was just seeing things.
He started to get out and I told him to hurry, that something didn't feel right. He agreed with me. After he got back in the truck, he said it felt like someone was standing behind him while he was taking a piss. He was afraid to look back, so he ran fast and jumped in the truck. My son started driving west again on I-40. Maybe 10 more miles down the road, he started slowing down in the middle of the road. There was a vehicle quite a distance in front of us. We could see the brake lights, and the car looked as if it were turned sideways in the middle of the road. I looked at my son and asked him what he was doing. He said, "Do you see that car?" I looked again and it was driving perfectly down the road like it had never stopped. I told my son to pull over to the side of the road. I asked him if he was tired and he replied, yes. So we both got out of the truck to switch places.
I walked around the front of the truck and Anthony walked around the back and stepped over the tongue of the trailer. Right when I was getting in on the driver's side, a car passed by. I glanced at it as it drove by. At the end of the car on the pavement, right by the tail lights, was a man. He was hunched over on all fours, feet and hands on the ground. He was covered with a buckskin. It almost looked as if he had jumped off the back of that car right as it passed us. The next second he was gone. I thought I had to be seeing things. It was late and I was really tired.
My son got in on the other side and I started driving down the road. I didn't say anything about what I saw. I glanced in my rear view mirror to see if the trailer was keeping steady. I didn't want it to get out of control. When I glanced back, I noticed something flapping in the wind off of the trailer. It looked as if it were the bottom of a jacket or maybe the bottom of the buckskin I saw draped over the man in the road. Then I asked Anthony if he had seen the man in the road behind that car. He said yes and explained what he saw. It was exactly what I had seen. Then he asked me if I had seen a man leaning against the back of the trailer. I said no, that I hadn't looked in the mirror on that side. Anthony said that when he was getting in on the passenger side, he had glanced at the back of the trailer and saw a man leaning against it. He said his face was hidden but he could see blue glowing around his face. He described it as the color of blue that you see light up on a cell phone. I then told Anthony that there was something on the back of the trailer or maybe even on the tongue of the trailer.
Anthony eventually fell asleep. I kept paying attention to the rearview mirror instead of the road. In the mirror I could see a shadow of three stick-like fingers. At one point I almost missed a curve in the road. It was a good thing that I was driving slowly, because there was a good 100-yard drop-off on that curve.
We made it to Gallup around 3:00 or 4:00 a.m. I woke up my son to go unlock the gate at his dad's house. When I opened the door, the cab light came on. It was flickering as if someone was moving their hand back and forth underneath it. Anthony saw it too. I lifted the seat to get our stuff out of the back. I noticed that the seat was down in the extended part of the cab. When we left on our trip, the seat was up and can't be put down unless someone is releasing a lever from both sides of the pickup. I shouted at Anthony to come back to the truck to witness the seat. I kind of felt like I was going crazy. We went in the house and went to bed.
The next day, we loaded up the trailer and drove back to Oklahoma. When it got dark, I looked in my rearview mirror and could see the side of the trailer perfectly from the brake light of the truck. The night before, I couldn't see a brake light reflection at all. So whatever was riding with us was on the back of the bumper covering up the tail light. Anthony's theory was that a skinwalker saw us pulled over on the side of the road and knew we were tired and was going to try to make us wreck. He thinks that the light flickering inside of the pickup and the seat in the back being down was his grandmother that had recently passed away. Anthony was very close to her, and he felt that she was protecting us from the skinwalker.
Whistling Skinwalker , by Disi
This true story, which happened around the 1960s, is one of them. One night, she and her four sisters (my aunts) were at home after a long day of shepherding and doing chores. My mom and her sister needed to use the bathroom before going to bed, and so they decided to go to the outhouse together. (They didn't have plumbing back then, or running water, as they were living in a traditional hogan.) The outhouse was far away, and they didn't want to walk there alone in the darkness, so they decided to go together.
It was relatively late. The sole light source was moonlight. As the two finally neared the outhouse, they thought they heard some faint sounds like that of whistling. It was birdlike, but whoever was whistling was following them and was circling the area. They clung to each other, chilled by the sound, and continued on. Oddly enough, the outhouse door was open. Usually when people use the outhouse, they always latch or wire the door shut.
As they came close enough to the outhouse, they saw a large black "thing" sitting inside. Though they couldn't see its features, they could make out that it was human in nature. Terrified, they screamed in horror, and ran back to the hogan as fast as their legs could carry them. They could hear someone chasing them from behind, and that it was gaining on them. As soon as they reached the hogan, they dashed in and slammed the door. They hurriedly told their other sisters what happened, and they sat in silence, waiting for something to happen.
The hogan door wasn't secure. It was only an old, worn-down door with no knob; it had a rickety latch nailed to the inside of the door to keep it closed. Nothing was barring the smoke hole where the chimney rose out; it was open to the air and you could see the night sky. The person outside began banging on the walls, making all five of them huddle in the middle of the room near the stove. There were heavy objects being thrown now, and a lot of noise. Soon, they heard it climb onto the roof. Whoever it was, was walking back and forth, and every now and then, it would peer through the smoke hole at them, its face hidden by darkness. There were adults present, but being a rather rude foster family with kids of their own, they lived in another hogan some distance away. Though they tried calling out to them, they became angry and didn't answer.
Finally, in pure desperation, my mom's three older sisters, being raised Catholic in boarding school, told her and her younger sister to get down on their knees. They began praying to God for protection. One of them had acquired holy water from the church, and she sprinkled it near the door.
All night, the skinwalker would circle the hogan, pound on the door, and make that whistling noise, but even though the hogan was improperly secured, that skinwalker never got to break in and hurt them.
My mom never found out who tried to hurt them that night. Medicine men can hold a chant for you, to see who tried to hurt you, but this was never carried out. Looking back on it now, my mom says that nobody was protecting them that night. Nobody but Heavenly Father, and that he kept them safe from harm's way. The yeenaadlooshiis would bother them on and off, but not once were they harmed.
Great Video On Skinwalkers
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Is the Navajo Skinwalker the same as the white man's werewolf? Yes, if the
Navajo witch wears the skin of a wolf. But the Navajo witches can mimic any animal they choose, not just the wolf. They can be a cat, a coyote, a dog, a bear, whatever the Navajo witch wants to be. The Navajo witches pick their skins for the type of job they plan to do. The coyote skin is for high speed, accurate sense of smell, and the acute agility. The bear skin is for brute strength, however the bear is not as fast as the coyote.
Along with their new abilities, the Navajo Skinwalkers still retain their full mental capacities. If the Navajo witch is a fairly or highly intelligent person, when he or she changes into a Skinwalker they carry that intelligence with them and you have a very dangerous opponent. Unlike the wolf man, the Skinwalker will use their whole bag of tricks - mind control, disease, and immobilization powder. Sometimes Peyote or other mind altering plants and herbs were used by the medicine man to alter his mind set.
Skunk Ape AKA Sasquatch In The News
Here's a great story about a recent sighting of the elusive swamp ape known as Skunk Ape. This one went as far as to raid the BBQ grill of a man and woman who were in their back yard cooking BBQ ribs
Click Here To Hear The Podcast Of The Story Now
And here is a Podcast that proves that Big Foot Does exist.
Click Here For The Podcast
Werewolves is just another way of meaning
lycanthrope. Also using the term skin walkers and shape shifters are
fairly common. When most folks here this terminology they think oh
something out of a horror movie impossible no way etc.. But its very
possible and I will tell you why. There are many animals out there like
jelly fish, chameleons, etc that can change its form, color, even shape so
why is it not possible that occasionally a human being can do this. What
it boils down to is our DNA make up and molecular structure. By simple
reorganizing them we are able to change our make up, look, and body
structure. The native Americans believed in skin walkers Indians that
could change into the wolf which was very sacred to them. Today we call
them lycanthropes a legend about people changing into one when the moon is
full. The moon plays a big role in our lives it causes tides to change,
people to become strange perhaps because its pull has some bearing on our
brain cells. Legend has it that the moon causes something to happen to
the person creating a change or activating one thus a werewolf
transfigures. I myself have not seen one but these are not new legends but
are 100s of years old. We have the old German legends or how about the one
medieval one about the boy who wore a belt and changed into one. The start of lycanthropes began in the Greek mythology days about a god who was changed into half of a wolf. In today's society they are still around we just don't pay much mind to it. Often we categorize it as a disease where a person takes on wolf characteristics. But often you hear about half man and half wolf creatures. But they are around even sasquatch is said to be a shape shifter with the ability to change into a tree or blend with a tree for camouflage.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Ton's More Native American Videos Below
Navajo Indians
A trip to the lands of Navajo Indians with the music of Sacred Spirit - Yane Heja Hee
In this video you get to see the land of the Navajo Indians where the Skinwalker is said to live.
Sacred Spirit
Sacred Spirits II
Mother Earth
Through the Door and Back
Spiritual Path
There are many mysteries and legends in the native american culture and these videos give you just a small glimpse into that culture.
Common Turkic folklore holds a different, reverential light to the werewolf legends in that Turkic Central Asian shamans after performing long and arduous rites would voluntarily be able to transform into the humanoid "Kurtadam" (literally meaning Wolfmen). Since the wolf was the totemic ancestor animal of the Turkic peoples, they would be respectful of any shaman who was in such a form.
According to Armenian lore, there are women who in consequence of deadly sins, are condemned to spend seven years in wolfen form.{The Fables of Mkhitar Gosh (New York, 1987), translated with an introduction by R. Bedrosian, edited by Elise Antreassian and illustrated by Anahid Janjigian} In a typical account, a condemned woman is visited by a wolfskin-toting spirit, who orders her to wear the skin, soon after which she acquires frightful cravings for human flesh. With her better nature overcome, the she-wolf devours each of her own children, then her relatives' children in order of relationship, and finally the children of strangers. She wanders only at night, with doors and locks springing open at her approach. When morning arrives, she reverts to human form and removes her wolfskin. The transformation is generally said to be involuntary, but there are alternate versions involving voluntary metamorphosis, where the women can transform at will.
France had a multitude of reports of werewolf attacks -- and consequent court trials -- during the sixteenth century. In some of the cases — e.g. those of the Gandillon family in the Jura, the tailor of Chalons and Roulet in Angers, all occurring in the year 1598 — there was clear evidence against the accused of murder and cannibalism, but none of association with wolves; in other cases, as that of Gilles Garnier in Dole in 1573, there was clear evidence against some wolf, but none against the accused. Yet while belief in lycanthropy reached a peak in popularity, it was decided in the case of Jean Grenier at Bordeaux in 1603 that lycanthropy was nothing more than a delusion. The loup-garou eventually ceased to be regarded as a dangerous heretic, and reverted to the pre-Christian notion of a "man-wolf-fiend".
Some werewolf lore in France is based on documented events. The Beast of Gévaudan terrorized the general area of the former province of Gévaudan in south-central France (it is now called Lozère). From the years 1764 to 1767, an unknown entity killed upwards of 80 men, women and children. The creature was described as a giant wolf by the sole survivor of the attacks, which ceased after several wolves were killed in the area.
The lubins or lupins of France were usually female and shy in contrast to the aggressive loup-garous.
In sixteenth century Prussia, Livonia and Lithuania, according to bishops Olaus Magnus and Majolus, the werewolves were far more destructive than "true and natural wolves", and their heterodoxy appears from the Catholic bishops' assertion that they formed "an accursed college" of those "desirous of innovations contrary to the divine law."
The wolf was still extant in England as of 1600, but became extinct by 1680. At the beginning of the seventeenth century the punishment of witchcraft was still zealously prosecuted by James I of England, who piously regarded "warwoolfes" as victims of delusion induced by "a natural superabundance of melancholic".
Werewolves in European tradition were often innocent and God-fearing folk suffering from the witchcraft of others, or simply from an unhappy fate, and who as wolves behaved in a truly touching fashion, adoring and protecting their human benefactors. In Marie de France's poem Bisclaveret (c. 1200), the nobleman Bisclavret, for reasons not described in the lai, had to transform into a wolf every week. When his treacherous wife stole his clothing needed to restore his human form, he escaped the king's wolf hunt by imploring the king for mercy, and accompanied the king thereafter. His behaviour at court was so much gentler than when his wife and her new husband appeared at court, that his hateful attack on the couple was deemed justly motivated, and the truth was revealed. Other tales of this sort include William and the Werewolf (translated from French into English ca.1350), and the German fairy tales Märchen, in which several aristocrats temporarily transform into beasts. See Snow White and Rose Red, where the tame bear is really a bewitched prince, and The Golden Bird where the talking fox is also a man.
The power of transforming others into wild beasts was attributed not only to malignant sorcerers, but to Christian saints as well. Omnes angeli, boni et mali, ex virtute naturali habent potestatem transmutandi corpora nostra ("All angels, good and bad have the power of transmutating our bodies") was the dictum of St. Thomas Aquinas. St. Patrick was said to have transformed the Welsh king Vereticus into a wolf; St. Natalis supposedly cursed an illustrious Irish family whose members were each doomed to be a wolf for seven years. In other tales the divine agency is even more direct, while in Russia, again, men are supposedly become werewolves when incurring the wrath of the Devil.
In the late 1990s, a string of man-eating wolf attacks were reported in Uttar Pradesh, India. Frightened people claimed, among other things, that the wolves were actually werewolves.
Skin Walker Ranch
This my personal account of our hunt for the skin walker ranch. The beginning of the video also shows bottle hollow lake that is another hot spot for creature activities. See if you can find anything in the video we did.
Skinwalker Ranch Pt.1
Investigative journalist George Knapp and researcher Colm Kelleher discussed their book Hunt for the Skinwalker, which chronicles bizarre paranormal events that were scientifically studied at a ranch in Utah. During the period of 1996-7 strange incidents were occurring frequently and included the sightings of anomalous dark shapes, creatures, lights and UFOs, as well as unexplained animal mutilations, recounted Kelleher (who appeared in just the first hour of the interview).
Kelleher told of one event that took place in August of 1997, in which two workers from NIDS (National Institute for Discovery Science) witnessed a dull yellow light on the ranch that was close to the ground and growing bigger and bigger. One of the workers viewed the light through night vision/infrared equipment and saw what could not be seen with the naked eye. A tunnel of light was opening up, and a large muscular humanoid entity with no facial features crawled out of it, and then vanished. The two workers investigated the area and found no trace of the being, though there was a strong smell of sulfur.
Knapp suggested that the events at the ranch (which continue to this day) may have a "dimensional" aspect to them, as though the area is a "portal" of some sort. In fact, he reported that the previous ranch owner, Tom Gorman, described seeing a sun-like sphere from which objects came and went, and that he could see another sky behind the sphere. Knapp also shared details of his many years investigating ufology as a television journalist, including the Bob Lazar/Area 51 story, which he first brought to public attention 18 years ago. Lazar, he believes, is telling the truth as he knows it.